Precious Jewel, you said your mother sent me an email Sunday. Said email must've gotten lost in the ether. You also said the email she sent "was pretty nasty." Aw. Okay.
Before you attempt to intimidate me over a non-existent electronic communication, please understand two things:
1. It's the end of the school year and you've had ample opportunities to turn in work that you've missed. Summer school shall be your portion.
2. Your mama ain't the only mama who can write "nasty" emails. As a matter of fact, MY mother has an uncanny ability to get you told in the most professional way. I inherited that ability from her, so tell your mama to expect a very pointed reply if this email ever manifests.
Be FULLY encouraged, hear? 🙄🙄🙄
Before you attempt to intimidate me over a non-existent electronic communication, please understand two things:
1. It's the end of the school year and you've had ample opportunities to turn in work that you've missed. Summer school shall be your portion.
2. Your mama ain't the only mama who can write "nasty" emails. As a matter of fact, MY mother has an uncanny ability to get you told in the most professional way. I inherited that ability from her, so tell your mama to expect a very pointed reply if this email ever manifests.
Be FULLY encouraged, hear? 🙄🙄🙄